Tessa Blanchard and Sasha Banks were both top of the Indies
and Wwe. Both girls where doing a chat at different points in the US as Sasha
was doing hers in New York Tessa was doing hers in California. Both girls where
taking questions after their chat and were both asked the same question at the
exact same second
“so do you think you would be top of the indies if you ever
“so do you think you could be top of the wwe one day”
Both girls said yes trying to keep their fans happy but also
both girls knew there was a bit of truth in it.
They then finished up the questions and went home to relax
and then both girls passed out. when they were out some changes began to both
Sasha who was taking a few weeks off had taken the Blue dye out of her her when
she passed out in her garden. As she was out she teleported to a bedroom when
Her skin began to lighten as she changed race going from
African American to Caucasian. Her blue hair began to become black. Her face
changed quite a bit as her Boston accent became a North Carolina one. The rest
of her body became to change even tho her B cups remained the same Sasha began
to actually lose a little weight as she gained a couple more abs than she
normally would have as her arms got thicker and got a little longer. Her hands
then began to grow and her nails became black. Her hips popped out a little but
her ass inflated a little as her legs began to her grow as her 5ft 4 body up one inch to 5ft 5.
Her feet then grew and her nails became black as her outfit also began to
change and become. A black stripped top and pink shorts.

That next morning Sasha woke up feeling strange and wondered
how she got to her bedroom when she realised that it wasn’t her bedroom. She
looked around and then she looked in the mirror to see that she had become
Tessa Blanchard. Sasha was pissed and shocked and thought this was a dream but
of course it was real and also permanent.
As Sasha’s changes happened so did Tessa’s and the first
thing that happened to her like Sasha wa that she was teleported but this time
to Sasha’s garden
Her feet began to shrink as her nails became pink. her legs
began to get thinner as they also got a little shorter as her height went from
5ft 5 down to 5ft 4. Her hips popped in and her ass deflated before Her belly
lost an ab or 2 as it got a little softer but nothing major changed. Her B cups
remained B cups as her North Carolina accent changed and became a Boston one.
Her face Her black hair turned blue but then lost its dye returning to a slightly
different shade of black as lastly her skin began to darken as she went from
Caucasian to African American. Her
outfit then began to change and become a white top and black shorts
Tessa woke up confused as the sun hit her in the face. She
put her hands to her eyes to block it when she noticed her skin was darker. She
ran inside to see that she had become Sasha Banks and smiled as she knew that
Sasha was one of the 4 horsewomen of the wwe which meant that she was also one
of the top woman’s wrestlers ever.
Sasha didn’t know what to do and looked online but all she
saw was blogs full of body swap stories and looked around her new house. She
noticed that Tessa had a gym in her garage and Sasha knew she had to do some
work out to calm herself. She went to Tessa’s closet and found a black and
white workout outfit and went to work out and found out that she was much
stronger in her new body than she was in her old one.
As Sasha was doing that Tessa was getting used to Sasha’s
life planning to live with it while she could as she had no idea what happened
but didnt think it was a bad thing. She looked and saw Sasha’s blue hair dye
before she got a call asking her to come back early and was promised a
championship if she did. Tessa would have said yes anyway but the promise of a
title just made it sweeter so she said yes and got to dying her new hair.
Sasha was beginning to slowly like Tessa’s body it had been
a few weeks and she knew and accepted that she was going to be Tessa forever.
She continued to work out and going jogging and actually had fun doing it. she
announced that she was taking a small break from wrestling to get used to her
new body but of course she left that last part out. She then looked at places
to go and found a perfect private place
Tessa had fully accepted Sasha’s life and when she found out
that Sasha had a dog she instantly fell in love with her new pet. It was her
week off and she relaxed and played with her new pet while relaxing in a small
blow up pool and couldn’t wait to get back in the ring but also wanted to stay
with her new family.
Sasha was away on holiday and had packed some swimsuits.
When she got to where she had booked she knew that it was going to be a private
place but she didn’t realise how private she had booked it. she loved the fact
that nobody would need to stop her as she didn’t want to ruin the reputation of
which she wasn’t even sure was yet and plus she wanted to just relax and think
about what she was going to do next.
When Tessa got back to the arena she was told that it was
time to start her storyline to become the champion. Tessa smiled and got ready
for the battle royal in which she knew she was going to win and got ready while
talking to the other girls in the locker room.
After her break Sasha returned to Tessa’s home and was ready
to get back to wrestling. She was going to get back to where she was and to
where Tessa was before what fans thought was a break. Sasha then went to the
indies and won countless championship taking Tessa’s reputation and only
growing it.
Tessa was loving Sasha’s body and tonight was the night she
had the chance to win the Smackdown Woman’s Championship. It was a hard fought
match and Tessa nearly lost on a few occasions but pulled it off and winning
her first woman’s championship in the wwe while it also her bodies 9th
Sasha had woke up and for the first time actually excited
about something she had grown to accept Tessa’s life and when one of her
friends who knew about the changes told her to
expect a call Sasha got excited as she knew what it meant. She got the
Call and told her to be at the show and Sasha agreed but in her new wwe
contract she wanted some changes.
Tessa meanwhile was happy. She had just won the Smackdown woman’s championship.
She knew that she would be top of the Wwe and in a few months and of course she
was in another body but she didn’t care
as she did keep her words. She was backstage when she was told she was going to
be a shocking challenger
Tessa stood in the ring for the first time with her new
championship and smiled knowing that she would hold it for a long time. She
held the belt up not knowing who her first defence would be against but when
she found out she got a shock.
Sasha had been resigned by the Wwe and for the first time in
her body. Sasha knew she had the ability to make demands as she was a huge star
in the Independents and also knew how the company worked and managed to
convince them to have her fight her old body and win the championship and she
loved the look on Tessa’s face when she walked out to answer her challenge.
Both girls had the match and Sasha using her new bodies
strength easily overpowered her old one winning the championship.