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Friday 28 August 2020

FT:15 The Flight


The fortune teller managed to slip away from Ariel and Sarah while they were changing and decided to take a flight out of town for a few days incase they went looking for her. When she was in the airport she met a guy who ended up sitting next to her on the flight. They began talking and he told her how much he loved star wars and her was nice enough so she wanted to reward him. She asked if he liked Daisy Ridley and when he said he loved her she had a great idea as she saw Daisy on the flight.  She secretly cast a spell at the guy and watched as the changes began.

His middle changed first as she lost a little weight as he now had a nice toned feminine belly. Just as that happened he felt an emptiness down below as he now had a vagina before his hips popped out and his ass expanded. 2 orbs began to grow on his chest becoming B cups boobs before the changes moved to his legs. All of his leg hair fell out as they altered becoming feminine and smoother making them much sexier as his height dropped slightly to 5ft 7. His feet then shrunk as did his toes with his nails becoming black before the exact changes happened with his arms which also lost their hair and thinned and became cuter with his hands and fingers shrinking and feminizing to just as his new nails painted themselves black. His accent began to alter becoming sexier and English and a little scruffy as his face altered and his lips plumped up and eyes changed colour as did his hair which became brown and tied itself up. his outfit began to change when sunglasses appeared on his face.  His top became a plain black one as a leather jacket covered it. his trousers then became a mustard colour and he could feel a set of bra and panties underneath it just as her shoes changed becoming feminine converse.

“ wow how the hell did that happen” he said but when he heard his new voice he knew exactly what had happened “ HOLY SHIT IM DAISY RIDLEY!” he shouted just as the fortune teller covered his mouth and pulled him aside “you were nice to me at the airport and flight so i wanted to give you a gift and i felt like this was the best way possible” the fortune teller explained “ thank you i love it and now i can save her star wars character” he made a call to his agent about wanting to do another film and when it was agreed they made a date for the announcement.


A few weeks had gone by and the new Daisy had settled into her life. She kept thanking the fortune teller who had stayed with her while she fully understood her new life and now it was time for the big announcement. To calm her nerves the fortune teller put a spell on her which would never make her nervous again. The fortune teller then used magic to do her makeup and her outfit. She now wore her hair back and a zebra style heels and a multicoloured dress. She got a little bored just sitting there but now it was time for the big announcement


When they went to the arena and made the big announcement as expected to the new Daisy there was a mixed reaction but she knew that this was the time to do the character right. She finished the rest of her panel answering questions from the fans and to their shock agreeing with some of the criticisms about her character and the sequel trilogy. It gave fans hope that her new movies or Disney plus series would be good and she promised that its coming from the place of a fan.


As the weeks and months went by and filming began on her new series some advertising opportunities began and the fortune teller knowing that it was nearly time to go home decided that this would be one of the last times she helped the new daisy. Like a few times before her she let magic to her makeup and pick her outfit and today. It picked out a nice pair of black heels and a white skirt and top combo. The fortune teller stayed back letting Daisy to this one on her own but kept watching as she shook people’s hands and aced the talk show and she knew that the next event was going to be her last



Another night and Daisy had another conference and premier  to go to and once again the fortune teller stayed to help her using her magic to do her makeup and change her outfit. Tonight she wore a long green dress that showed off some of her legs through it and showed some of her chest and left one arm bare. Another night had passed and the fortune teller had revealed to the new daisy that tonight was the last night that they would be spending with each other as the fortune teller had appointments and changes to make.

The new daisy thanked the fortune teller who had been ignoring Sarah Hyland and Ariel winter to help her deal with her new life and becoming a celebrity. As the fortune teller returned home she done the new Daisy one last favour and teleported her to a beach and changed her green dress into a black swimsuit and left a note with her telling the new daisy she had used magic to give her a week off and the new daisy smiled and once again thanked her knowing that she would hear her somehow.

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