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Tuesday 25 August 2020

The Magic Mirror 0

 this is a story i didn't expect to make but i got a commission and the commissioner wanted a magic mirror cap and since i have a 5 part magic mirror series coming at some point ive made it into a sort of prequel. 

Brie Larson had bought s nice looking mirror from a super fan and the fan told her that it could improve her looks Brie wondered what she meant and the fan said that the mirror was magical and transformed the person. The fan left out that it would be a limited amount of changes and the last change would be permanent and that it would always be activated by a selfie.

Brie examined the mirror and thought it looked nice and decided to go and get changed into a red bra top and blue workout bottoms. Brie began to do a work out and began to sweat and thinking she would look motivational and took a selfie. When she did the mirror activated and sucked her into an apartment. Brie wondered what was going on and then changes began to happen when

Her hair began to change going from blonde and getting shorter before turning black. Her accent changed slighter getting huskier. Her arms then began to shrink and thicken becoming huge as she gained bingo wings. Her hands then shrunk as her fingers became like sausages and her nails became black. Brie’s B cups began to expand and kept growing and growing ending as H cups before her perfectly kept fir belly expanded and bloated gaining layers of fat and rolls of it as it sagged over her new fattening and looser vagina making her fall to her knees. She felt her hips pop out and her ass became huge and nearly as big as her belly as her thigh gap vanished as her thighs began so big they couldn’t even be classed as thunder thighs. The rest of her legs fattened and shrunk making them look bigger as she lost 2 inches in height as she went from 5ft 6 to 5ft 4. Her feet then shrunk and her nails also became black as her outfit became a pair of black leggings and a green white and black top with a black bra.

When the changes finished Brie wondered what the hell happened to her and looked around for clues noticing the mirror had remained the same design. Brie couldn’t get up as she was to fat to examine it and lifted up her top to see her huge new boobs. Brie couldn’t believe those things where real and looked in the mirror at a distance and she planned to take a picture to see how big they were. She did activating the mirror again and this time she found herself on the friends TV show set with the mirror not in sight. She realised that it was the mirror causing the changes and just as she figured that out she felt weird and then new changes happened.

her shorter black hair grew longer than even her original hair and became brown as her skin became a little paler and her face thinned but remained a chubby look. her eyesight became awful as glasses alleared on her face and she lost a few of her extra chins while her accent became more of a stereotypical nerdy girl. her arms thinned but remained slightly chubby while remaining the same length while her hands and fingers thinned and her nails became white. her saggy H cups began to deflate but remained a nice and much more perkier D cup as her huge belly began to gain its toned self a little more but remained as chubbier belly. her thighs now deserved the term thunder thighs as she still no longer that she originally had and her thighs rubbed against each other while remaining the same height she felt taller as her legs had thinned and Brie didn’t need to waddle due to the weight she had lost. her feet then thinned and her nails became plain finishing her transformation into a nerdy girl and now her clothes altered to fit her new body. she now wore a plain white t shirt snd jeans with trainers and a chequered top.

when the changes finished and Brie saw what she had become she was furious as she was becoming one of those nerds Brie hated so much as she knew this girl probably saw and loved her in Captain Marvel but also probably had toys and posters of her. Brie didn’t know if being this nerdy girl or the fat girl but she noticed the mirror wasn’t here and now knowing that these changes were awful she had to find the fat girls apartment. She did and not even giving her new 2nd body a second look over she teleported and jumped through it. She found herself on a pavement and wondered where she was and saw some New York plates on cars. She was worried she was going to be another awful body and wanted the changes to hurry up and start as she didn’t want to be a nerdy girl in public. Her wish came true and

Her brown hair became blonde once again as her eye sight became normal again and she gained a tan and thinness. Her accent became a husky New York accent as her D cups became C cups but filled with a liquid. Her arms shrunk a little and thinned as did her hands with her nails becoming white. Her belly fat then merged becoming hard and expanding her belly once again but this time into a big and heavy pregnant belly. Her belly button then popped out as her hips popped in and her ass expanded but remained perky as her thighs thinned finally regaining the gap she loved as the rest of her legs thinned and shrunk taking her 5ft 4 frame down to 5ft 3. Her feet then shrunk and her nails became white as her outfit changed becoming a white top and hoodie covering it with blue workout leggings.

Brie was much happier with this body and when she realised that’s she was Scarlett Johansson she was happy. She found problems tho especially with being pregnant as she didn’t want to be a mother and the fact she no longer had her safety SJW net to fall on for when she spoke her mind worried her. She didn’t know how long it would take to get to her old body and she didn’t even know where the mirror was as she had been teleported to the street but she found it at Scarlett’s house and she took the picture walking through knowing she was in the right direction to returning to normal. she stepped through the mirror and found herself in a nice office Brie looked around excited to get rid of the pregnancy but the changes didn’t start right away making her worried that they wasn’t going to come. She looked around the office and a desk and as she walked over to it the changed began and

Her blonde hair got a slightly lighter and got longer as her face changed. She lost Scarlett’s accent and gained an Idaho accent. Her arms grew and thinned and became like an athlete’s as did her hands with her nails becoming pink. her c cups went back up to D cups as her pregnant belly began to fade and deflate giving her a nice toned body with abs she had been trying to get on her original body for years. Her hips popped back out and her ass expanded while her legs thinned and her 5ft 3 frame began growing even taller than her original height and up to 5ft 7. Her feet then grew and her nails became pink just as her outfit began to change becoming a yellow pair of shorts and grey t shirts leaving her barefoot but brie found black sandals and slipped them on her feet.


Brie sat back on the chair in the office she was now in and examined her new body and after she did Brie was happy with this body and checked out who she was and found that she was fitness model and former WWE girl Torrie Wilson. She looked at her age and was furious to have gained over 10 years and was now in her early 40s. That instantly turned Brie off of her body and she was happy the mirror had teleported with her this time and was just behind her in Torrie’s office.

When Brie walked into the room she had no idea that the life she had entered was now going to be her new life and found that it was just an ordinary suburban home. She was disappointed in this one after her last 2 bodies and she watched a little TV as she noticed her skin getting darker. She followed it as Torrie’s body became an ebony colour and she admitted to herself that the chocolate glow she now had was amazing. Her blonde hair then got darker and became black as her eyes became brown her lips plumped up allot and her accent changed becoming sluttier. Her arms shrunk but thinned as did her hands with her nails becoming longer and white. Her D cups became F cups and Brie wondered if they were real or not. she gained a little weight hut nothing major as her hips popped out and her ass expanded and became so big it rivalled if not bettered Kim Kardashain’s. her thighs became thunderous again and rubbed against each other as her legs also thickened and shrunk taking her from 5ft 7 back to 5ft 5. As her feet shrunk and her nails also became white. Her outfit began to change becoming a see through black swimsuit like lingerie.


Brie was disgusted when she saw her body as she had become the type of slut she hated. Brie was a proper woman and hated girls like she was now as she felt that they set them backwards Brie wanted out of this body instantly and took the picture but this time nothing happened. Brie was scared and wondered what she was going to do but the original Brie wouldn’t need to worry as her mind began to alter fitting her body and Brie Larson the actress was gone and in her place was Brianna who was a local stripper who did some prostituting on the side.


Brianna looked at the mirror and posed taking a few selfies for her million Instagram followers and some naked ones for her only fans before deciding the mirror wasn’t good enough taking it to a shop where it would soon be picked up again

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